Friday, September 26, 2008
Flying on a Chinook
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Rise of the Viking
Anyway, since getting here to Korea this tour I have had the chance to test in more languages than just Korean... and of course, they have all been Scandanavian languages. Back in March I took the Swedish test, since that is the language I learned to speak on my mission. Then in June I got to take Norwegian. So here it is September and I finally allowed our Command Language Program Manager to talk me into taking Icelandic... he's still pushing for me to take Danish as well, and I expect that I will be taking that in the near future too.
I must say though that Icelandic was very hard, even with my background in Swedish. I was able to get some of the words pretty easily and also pick up a lot from context, but there was a lot that I had no idea on. I guess having more than about 2 days to study over the language would have been good, but I still did fairly well considering.
Kind of surprising and funny that I would have to come to Korea to test in Scandanavian languages.
Friday, September 12, 2008
New Song Added
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
A Tale of Two Palaces, Part II
Monday, September 8, 2008
A Tale of Two Palaces, Part I
So Friday came and it was nice and cloudy outside. It looked like it might rain, and since I love the rain so much, I thought about just scrapping my plans to go to Seoul and stay home for the day. Well, after talking with Veronica and the kids I decided to throw caution to the wind and go up to Seoul anyway. I figured that the worst thing that could happen is it would start to rain and I could just turn around.
As I walked around the many pathways (which were so peaceful and serene with all the trees and such), I came across this sign. The sign isn't too significant (it is wonderful that they are watching out for everyone's safety... but what got me was the fact that I took this picture at eye level! The top of the doorway hit me at about my chin.
So after I had walked around the whole palace area (I have more pictures, but this is already a long post... if you want to see more, give me a holler and I can send them to you), I made my way toward the exit and the hustle and bustle of downtown Seoul. The second picture shows just outside the palace gate, and off to the left you can see the Seoul City Hall.
One of the main reasons I had been wanting to come to this palace was to see the Changing of the Guard ceremony that they have there outside the main gate. It was a wonderful event, complete with the captains exchanging and verifying the password of the day, handing over the key box (the charge of the gate), confirmation of the Bu-sin (a plaque, divided in half, which carries the king's orders) and handing over the official insignia, and finally the changing of the guards. The following pictures are only a sampling of the ceremony, but I think they give a good indication of the ritual.
Well, that's about it... Oh, after the ceremony they allowed people to come up and have pictures taken with the captain of the guard (which of course I did), and to get dressed up as a soldier of Joseon for pictures (I put that one as my main photo for this blog). It was a great day. Tomorrow... Changgyeonggung.