Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Today was the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony here on base in front of the theatre (sorry, I forgot my camera so no pictures). It was a great thing to watch... lots of people all gathered together to celebrate the season, kids from the elementary school coming out to sing songs, and of course Santa Claus arriving to talk with the children. But I almost didn't go tonight.

I was at work and wasn't sure if I would be done in time. I realized I would be except I didn't know if I wanted to wait around the hour it would be until the lighting. Luckily for me I have such good friends in the Strommers. Chris caught me after work and invited me along to wait at his place while he and his family got ready. Then we all went together to the tree lighting and it was a blast! The chaplains had brought out hot chocolate, cookies, and candies for everyone to enjoy while we took part in the festivities.

Afterwards Chris, Ruth, and the kids and I all decided to go out to Chili's and have dinner. Ruth was joking around saying I should pay for the meal, so I took her up on the offer, despite her protests that she was just joking. I knew she was, but with everything they've done for me during my time here unaccompanied (dinners in their home, rides, etc) I thought it was the least I could do to treat them. I am just glad to have such good friends here that I can hang out with and do things like that together with.

Truly this is a wonderful time of year... I'm glad that it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

PS: I added a new playlist for the Christmas season. Hope you enjoy.